Tattoo Girl

Tattoo Girl, originally uploaded by Adrian Ray Photography.

Debbie Woodhouse large leg tattoo

Debbie Woodhouse, originally uploaded by brokenglassphotography.

New Butterfly Tattoo Art

New Butterfly Tattoo Art
Butterfly tattoo art is becoming one of the most popular and requested tattoo designs, especially among women. More than 50% of the female "tattoo population" have some type of butterfly design, whether it be on their back, ankle, or chest. And for a good reason. Butterflies are unmatched in their intrinsic yet peculiar designs and beauty.

There are many speculated reasons for this surge of popularity, and many believe butterflies are just beautiful in general, and that is reason enough. However, there are others who look deeper into the issue. They believe there is strong connection or symbolism behind the butterfly.

To most cultures, a butterfly is symbolic of starting anew, or birth of new life. There are also many cultures who symbolize the butterfly as the instability and impermanence of earthly life. The life of a butterfly is very unstable, as it starts it's life as a grotesque catipillar and turns into a beautiful butterfly. This process has captivated the ancient cultures, as they believed this process was very similar of one's journey from an earthly body to a heavenly one. Early Greek cultures also used butterfly wings to symbolize the human soul or pysche.

Whatever the reason is, butterfly tattoo art is growing in popularity. Some find that finding the right butterfly tattoo design is overwhelming, due to the immense amount of variety available. These designs gain root from each species of butterfly: Plum Judy, Spicebush Swallowtail, Lime Butterfly, Small White, Green-veined White, Common Jezebel, Karner Blue, Xerces Blue, Painted Lady or Cosmopolite, Lange's Metalmark Butterfly, Common Yellow Swallowtail, and the ever famous Monarch butterfly. Although one doesn't need to know the individual species in order to design their tattoo, it might help to pick a few of your favorite types so the tattoo artist can best fit your wants and needs.

Tattoo Asian Trendy

Tattoo Asian Trendy

Tattoo Asian is incredibly one of the most common and popular tattoo types being used around the globe when it comes to body art as a whole. Although there’s been a drastic shift in the trends and perceptions about different tattoos in the societies, tattoos still are stereotyped as a stamp of being different from the society. People who wear tattoos were taken as followers of individualistic approach and are usually tagged as rebels. For example in China, tattoos were used to trample a prisoner for criminal offense and to differentiate him from the civilians as being a criminal. However the contemporary view is very opposite. Now tattoo is a sign of being “young”, “creative” and somebody who’s is “passionate” about life.

Among all the tattoo types the one we are discussing i.e. tattoo Asian is popular on it’s being expressive yet elegant at the same time. There are several categories, which depict different themes. For example definitively speaking about femininity which may sound different to different people, is a certain whimsical softness; to others it may mean a quality of female elegance and style, to others still it can have a more modern meaning of strength and power. Feminine tattoos are an artistic depiction of both a certain amount of delicacy and the firmness that goes hand-in-hand with getting any piece of body art.

Tattooing is used for various purposes including spiritual and decorative like it’s used in Japan. There it is considered as one of the most important type of art which includes most abstract writings to their simple language. Today it is also considered as one of the coolest body markings of all the time. From having abstract pictures to decorate their body, people are now moving back towards the relatively older culture of tattoo Asian.

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